Email Verification Feature with Swift, PHP and MySQL

For the past couple of weeks I was working on a new video course which explains how to implement User Sign in, Sign up, Sign out, Email verification, Forgot password, Profile image upload and more with Swift, PHP and MySQL.

The new video course is now being uploaded to Udemy and once it is approved I will share with you its URL and if you are subscribed to my blog I will also share with you a BIG discount to the course.

With this blog post I would like to share with you 5 videos that explain how to implement Email Verification Feature with Swift and PHP + MySQL as mobile app back end.

Below are 5 videos that cover entire: “Email Verification Feature with Swift, PHP and MySQL”.

I hope these videos will be helpful to you.

If you would like to learn how to implement all above mentioned features with Swift & Parse you can check out my video course called “Swift programming: User Sign in, Sign up, Password reset and more” and you can also find check out some of similar videos here on my blog under the category “User login and Registration with Swift